fallen gods II

Frank LoBuono
1 min readJul 21, 2023


Words and photo by F LoBuono

fallen gods

How I love the rain in summer

the Thunder and Lightning

at night

when nature’s awesome power is displayed

for all to see

in a bolt

to pale even the brightest city.

How I love the rain in summer

its boastful roar

beckons a query:

“Must you bellow and exult in your fearsome power,

Old Man”?

How I love the rain in summer

to hear its gentle clatter -

a soft and peaceful music

played upon my bedroom roof

to ease a troubled mind into blissful sleep.

How I love the rain in summer

for the relief it brings

to a parched and thirsty land


you can hear the earth drink

after a day’s summer swelter.

How I love the rain in summer

filling the air with scent

Fresh, Clean, Renewed

an odor of union

between earth and sky.

How I love the rain in summer

for the gift it truly is

for the memories in my mind


like streams of water


from some fallen god’s eye.

