Today’s MOZEN: 1/20/2021
- the lying, the cheating, the willful ignorance . . .
Perhaps, one day, after years of study by social scientists, someone will be able to adequately explain how 60 MILLION PEOPLE voted for a man with the character of a snake oil salesman. That is the approximate amount of Americans who continue to support soon-to-be EX-President Donald J. Trump. What bewilders me is that after 4 failed, miserable years where Mr. Trump talked and talked so much and yet accomplished so little, so many still buy his line of shit.
If that isn’t enough, he is contesting the election by making outrageous, baseless claims of fraud and deliberate malfeasance on the part of those who had the audacity to exercise their rights as Americans, i.e. VOTE for the candidate of THEIR choice!!! And, in doing so he is, once again, fragmenting our society and incited his most fanatic minions to violence.
It boggles my mind that so many people, yes, many of them presumably good people, actually drank Trump’s Kool-Aid. That is until you realize where the term comes from. It refers to the Jonestown Massacre* when cult leader Jim Jones convinced 919 of his most fanatical followers to kill themselves by drinking Kool-Aid laced with cyanide. And, even more astounding and tragic is the fact that one third of the victims were children, given the elixir by their own parents.
That was 42 years ago.
Today, we have a new Cult of Personality led by Donald J. Trump whose minions appear ready to drink whatever libation he should choose to serve them. Whatever he tells them, no matter how outlandish or outrageous, they will believe simply because they want to. Facts play no role in the process. They have an endless supply of excuses to justify his mendacity. As a comedian friend of mine put it:
Trump could walk into their homes, shoot their dog, and they would STILL BLAME THE DOG!
Donald Trump is going to lose this election. And, despite his whining, crying, and bloviating, he will be going, by force if necessary. He can file all the lawsuits his tiny, little heart desires. The Constitution, you know that little article that he and his followers supposedly worship, is very clear in the procedure. It’s called the 20th Amendment**.
Well, I guess I answered my own question. Yes, it WILL end:
and, Noon, 1/20/2021 can’t come fast enough.
** Section 1. The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3rd day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.