Today’s MOZEN: A Fullness of Spirit
Nothing will break my spirit. Nothing can. Because it’s all that I have. . .
While this statement may sound overly bold or even braggadocios, at its core it really isn’t either of those things.
It’s reality. At least it is my reality.
I am not a man of great means or skill. I fear that I will leave no great monuments behind. There will be no libraries or public buildings named in my honor. I have no considerable wealth so I will leave no large endowment or scholarships. And, although I consider myself to be an artist, I don’t believe that my art will leave any great, lasting impression on anyone. There seems to be no “Moby Dick” or “On the Road” lurking in my subconscious.
However, this is not some exercise in self-pity. I ain’t dead yet and I’m sure not gonna’ stop trying to accomplish as much as I can in the years I have ahead (many, I hope). It could happen. It’s just not likely. And, furthermore, it’s not that important if it does.
What IS important is that I live with a Fullness of Spirit — a willingness to give all of myself to those ideals in which I believe most: honesty, justice, compassion, equity, creativity, generosity, inclusion, and, above all, love.
These ideals are cultivated every minute of each day with every encounter we have in life. How we treat each other will be the lasting gift we give to one another AND the world. Once again, this is the true spirit of Karma: what we contribute to the Wheel of Life is what keeps the world spinning on its spiritual axis. I want my contribution to give it a few extra spins — even if that means a simple, kind gesture to a total stranger.
Sure, it would be nice to have a pyramid constructed in my name that lasts thousands of years, or, maybe a library that becomes a place for learning and scholarship for generations. But, that is not my goal. Mine is much more simple — to live with a generosity of heart and soul that will last far longer than any moment of stone and mortar.
It’s all that I have. And, it’s all that I need.