Like the sun breaking through the clouds of a storm that we felt would never end, a new Administration is shinning over a revitalized America. The Rule of Law has prevailed. Our Democracy, although battered and bruised by the thugish behavior of the previous occupant of the Whitehouse, has once again showed its resilience.
Joe Biden, in a moving and glorious ceremony, was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States. His running mate, Kamala Harris, was also sworn in as the first woman AND the 2nd person of color to hold the office of the Vice President.*
The entire day was filled with brilliant significance. THIS administration, contrary to the previous, is rightly proud of the diversity it is bringing to Washington. President Biden (damn it feels good just to say that), has surrounded himself with a highly qualified, assorted group of professionals that include women, gays, and various cultures. There are even two rescue dogs! Again, this in high contrast to the previous one which was overwhelming white, older, and male (and, Mr. Trump hates dogs!).
The four plus years of ugliness, bullying, mendacity, and fraud can slowly but surely be put behind us. Donald J. Trump has finally dragged his sorry ass back to his faux fortress in Florida leaving me and over 81 million of my fellow Americans, basking in the glow of a new day.
And, it sure feels good . . .
* Charles Curtis was the 31st VP of the US. He was a bi-racial Native American.