Today’s MOZEN: A Tale of Two Trees
Months before the Covid-19 Pandemic created havoc throughout America and caused the shutdown of the CBS News Broadcast Center in Midtown Manhattan, in an effort to add some color and life to the 4th floor newsroom, the management brought in about a half dozen fig trees and placed them at various spots throughout the room.
Why they choose fig trees, notorious for their fickle nature, is beyond me. However, be that as it may, it was nice to have something to look at besides the glow of TV monitors. It brought some life. literally, into the mostly sterile newsroom.
True to form, within a few weeks a couple of the trees began losing their broad leaves and did not appear very healthy. However, with care from myself and a few other technicians, they began to thrive.
Then the pandemic hit, forcing the evacuation of the building. It would be weeks before anyone was allowed back in.
During that time there was absolutely no one to care for the little fig trees and they started dying off, one by one. When I was assigned to return to The Broadcast Center along with a skeleton staff, I noticed that all of the fig trees had dried out and were beyond saving — all by one. Just one had a few leaves left and was obviously struggling but still alive!
I took it upon myself to see if I could save that little fig tree. So, I started to water it again every few days. Much to my surprise, the tree responded and the leaves turned thick and bright green again. I mean it wasn’t going to win any awards for the prettiest tree on the block but it was ALIVE and I pledged to keep it that way. So, I kept up the watering schedule and the tree continued to thrive.
The moral of the story, I suppose, is to never give up. No matter how bad things look, never lose hope because where there is life, there is ALWAYS a chance. There are still good people in the world who will be there to give you water when you need it most.