Today’s MOZEN: A World Gone Blind
Please don’t tell me that you were actually surprised by the Administration’s recent fiasco concerning Iran?
I don’t mean to sound pedantic but how many times, on this very blog, have I said, “you get what you pay for”?
Well, MANY!
President Trump campaigned on the “tough guy” image that his base so completely worships. It may be bullshit, as evidenced by his lame bone spur deferments from the Vietnam War, but they WANT to believe it’s true. Therefore, for them, it is!
So, in a sense, to him and his followers, this is simply the fulfillment of prophesy. He was determined to be the biggest, bad-ass on the planet — a bellicose bully stubbornly resolute to rule the world by force, if necessary. His Cabinet, Administration, GOP lackeys, and sycophantic followers are all in lockstep behind him because it’s what they WANT. To them, THIS is what makes America great — be good, as we see it, or be GONE — as in whipped out!
I have also written extensively on how I believe this President and his Administration would fundamentally change what it means to be an American. This was again made clear to me in a recent interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper and Secretary of State, Mike Pomepo. During the interview, Mr. Pompeo said, in essence, that we are no longer The Shinning City on a Hill but, rather, the Home of the Schoolyard Bully. And, neither he nor the President would be apologizing for the shift. In fact, it was what they were elected to do.
The very qualities we abhor in our enemies; assassination, torture, regime change, and terror have replaced the more gentle (and, effective) arts of diplomacy, guile, and tact. Instead of fostering goodwill with the confidence of a benevolent power, formerly the American Way, we now rule by fear and intimidation.
And, remember, there are many who have waited a long time for this to become reality. The believe those qualities make America Great. They even voted in a Reality TV Show Star to prove it. If it takes war at great cost, so be it. To those people, I would remind them that an eye for an eye just leaves the whole world blind.