Today’s MOZEN: An Infamous Date

Frank LoBuono
3 min readJan 6, 2022


Words and photos by F LoBuono

January 6, 2021, a date which will live . . . oh, wait, that’s already been used.

But, you get my point.

That day must, and WILL BE condemned in the strongest terms possible. The ATTACK on the U.S. Capitol was not just an assault on a building, it was a defilement like this Country has never seen before.

Some will argue that the Capitol was actually attacked once before, during the War of 1812. And, that is true. However, there is an important distinction: that atrocity was committed during an invasion by a foreign enemy, i.e. the British. The Insurrection (a more proper term) of 1/6 was committed by our fellow Americans.

Yes, sadly, we are all Americans.

However, as Ulysses S. Grant once famously said:

Whatever may have been my political opinions before, I have but one sentiment now. That is, we have a Government, and laws and a flag, and they must all be sustained. There are but two parties now, traitors and patriots and I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter, and I trust, the stronger party.

I couldn’t agree more.

There are those of us (thankfully still a majority) who do not wave huge banners in a gross attempt at blatant, false patriotism but live quietly within the laws of the Country and do the things necessary to maintain the peace among ALL Americans.

It’s called RESPECT -

And, respect doesn’t mean blindly following everything that our Government sells us. I am a child of the Vietnam War era and, so, have a healthy skepticism when it comes to politics and politicians. However, I also believe in the ideals of this Country which include a process for addressing our grievances.

One of those methods is called The Vote. And, in November of the previous year, THE PEOPLE of this Country used their SACRED RITE to express their will and totally, completely, and emphatically REJECTED, the previous administration of one Donald J. Trump.

However, true to form, Mr. Trump concocted some bullshit story of a Stolen Election. Despite absolutely NO CREDITABLE EVIDENCE, he continued his drumbeat of FALSE information to the point of encouraging his minions to take what became their despicable actions.

In a way, I never expected more from Mr. Trump. He always was a grifter and he always will be. What still surprises me is how many Americans are still so gullible (or worse) as to not only believe him, but possible even die for him. Him? Really?

I’m sure this appeal will fall on deaf ears. Trying to argue logic and reason with someone who is not willing to listen is like trying to administer medicine to the dead. But we can never stop trying to do the right thing.

Join the realm of the righteous — condemn that heinous attack, bring those responsible (ALL those responsible) to justice and join your fellow Americans back on the path of real liberty.



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