Todays’ MOZEN: Bloomberg or Bust?
The first-time presence of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, made last night’s (2/19/20) Democratic Debate in Las Vegas highly anticipated. Because Mr. Bloomberg’s extreme wealth gives him the ability to self-finance his own campaign, he was not able to participate in all of the previous debates. However, due to a rule change by the DNC, he was able to join this time.
Instead of the finely crafted message that the $400 million he has spent so far can buy, potential Democrat voters would be able to see Mr. Bloomberg in “real time”. They wanted to see if he could earn the nomination instead of simply buying it.
And, in my opinion, he stumbled — terribly.
Because of who he is and his billion dollar personal fortune, and the fact that he was the new kid on the block with rising poll numbers, he HAD to know that he would be the target of the other 5 candidates he would have to share the stage with. In addition to his money and status, he also entered the fray with a considerable amount of baggage such as his support of the controversial Stop and Frisk policy under his administration, as well as multiple accusations of sexual misconduct within his business empire. That’s why I was so surprised that he had such limited success in response to their attacks, especially for a man with such resources and a reputation as a meticulous organizer.
Elizabeth Warren took him to task on the women’s issue. Bernie Sanders attacked him as just another oligarch. The other’s piled on over various other issues. All of it should have been expected! Yet, Mr. Bloomberg had vague, limited responses to the most pressing issues. As for women, he defended against those criticisms by saying, in a sense, he likes women and promotes them regularly within his world (a la DJT). As for his money, when pressed on releasing his tax returns, he claimed they were too complicated to do so at this point (also a la DJT). And, he also came across as old, frustrated and pedantic.
Bloomberg’s supporters know that debating is not his forte. It never has been. His voice is often whiny and his presence aloof. They say that personally he is none of these things. But, for those of us who will never meet or know him personally, we can only take away what he shows us publicly. And, if last night’s performance is any indication, he is in serious trouble.
Some will question what could be expected from a situation where all of the other candidates spent most of their time attacking him? They’ll claim that he went high when the others went low. Well, Presidential politics ain’t no place for the faint of heart! It is getting to the time when the gloves come off and we are left with a bare knuckle brawl! As one pundit put it, he brought a wallet to a knife fight.
Look, I don’t like the fact the Democrats seem to be eating their own as it falls right into the hands of Donald J. Trump. And, I agree that people of conscience must do everything within their power to support whomever the eventual nominee will be in defeating him. However, because the ultimate contest will be for the heart and soul of America, we need a person tough enough, smart enough, and resilient enough to take on someone whose greatest strength is being a bully.
If Mr. Bloomberg is that person, he cannot do so by buying us. He must show us. Last night, he fell well short of that goal. However, it is important that, as a leader, he demonstrate that he can roll with the punches, pick himself up off the floor, and come back stronger than ever.
Time will tell.