Today’s MOZEN: Impeach NOW!

Frank LoBuono
3 min readNov 22, 2019


F LoBuono

Like millions of Americans, I have tuned into the current TV broadcast of the hearings on whether or not to impeach Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States. The crux of the complaint against Mr. Trump is that he used his considerable influence to hold essential military aid to bully the president of Ukraine into conducting a public inquiry of alleged corruption committed in Ukraine by Trump’s chief political rival, Joe Biden, and Biden’s son, Hunter, before he would release the vital assistance to that country. This is the so-called Quid Pro Quo. I have another name for it: thuggery. This was done, obviously, to advance Mr. Trump’s own political aspirations and, if proven, is considered an Impeachable Offense.

Now, as with most of us, I don’t have the time to watch every minute of the hours-long procedure. And, I’ve tried to view it with as impartial a perspective that I can muster. I’ve had my suspicions as to how it might turn out but was still willing to listen to WHATEVER evidence was presented. However, I have now seen enough to be convinced of what I suspected all along: Donald J. Trump and his closest advisers operate this Country in the same fashion that Mr. Trump ran his various enterprises, i.e. like GANGSTERS and THUGS. This is what he knows and thus, this is what he does — the consequences be damned. Perhaps, he got away with it in business, but I’ll be damned if we will let him get away with it while running OUR Country!

What is equally infuriating as the wanton greed of Mr. Trump and his henchmen are the Republican legislators who are spinning the damning testimony targeting the Trump Administration as a mere vendetta against their President and Party for their 2016 election victory. In fact, it’s so outrageous that I find myself shaking my head in complete disbelief. The evidence is as shocking as it is coercive. When the ranking Republican, Devin Nunes (R- Ca.), opens his mouth to counter the compelling, and quite damning, testimony of creditable witnesses like Ambassadors Volker and Sondland, Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, Dr. Fiona Hill, David Holmes, and others, ALL of whom had intimate knowledge of the affair, he sounds like a character from Shakespeare’s Macbeth relating a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Even though every political entity works in their own best interests, the Republican defense represents party loyalty at its worst. They have chosen allegiance to their political agenda rather than do what is necessary for the good of the Country — and, that is to remove a man who is no more than a thief, liar, bully, and thug from the honored position of the most powerful man in the world, i.e. The President of the United States.




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