Today’s MOZEN: Introspection

Frank LoBuono
2 min readJan 14, 2020


F LoBuono

In a recent Facebook post, I lamented about how many times that I have failed in my life. In fact, I stated there were too many to even count.

The responses that I received were warm, heartfelt, and totally sympathetic ( well, the great majority were anyway). People were genuinely concerned for my mental well-being. It was the type of compassionate sentiment that restored my faith in mankind.

In addition to expressing my gratitude, I wanted to let people know that this type of introspection is a regular occurrence in my life and it should be in everyone’s. I frequently take the time to reassess what I have done right and, of course, the things that I could surely improve upon. I usually find them in equal proportion. THAT’S what keeps my ego healthy.

And, a healthy ego usually means a life in balance, i.e. something we all should strive for. Personally, it keeps me honest. So, I am never falsely honest. In other words, there are some things that I’m pretty damned good at and others where I simply suck. I strive to continue what I do well and improve on the things that I don’t. And, I also give myself a break by understanding life will never be perfect and neither will I. And, that’s OK. As long as we acknowledge and accept our shortcomings while, at the same time, rewarding ourselves for the good we do, we’ll be just fine.

So, my friends, thank you for your concern. My ego, and my life, are both doing just fine. And, if you practice a little introspection while making an honest assessment of your life skills, yours will be, too.



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