Today’s MOZEN: Let’s Golf!

Frank LoBuono
2 min readJul 19, 2020


F LoBuono

Sometimes, when times are tough, like they are now, the only things we can truly count on our families, good friends, and our strength of character. However, we can’t always totally depend on family and friends — they often have their own issues to deal with.

So, when we find ourselves truly alone, we must rely on our strength of character, i.e. the moral compass that guides us to do the right things for the right reasons. We achieve this through the teachings of those we respect and admire (like our parents) and our applied experience through years of trial and error to make decisions based on a desire to provide for the common good, not only for our selves and our loved ones, but for the world at large, too.

With that in mind, I would like to point out that our President, Donald J. Trump is, as of this posting (7/18/2020), golfing at his private resort in Virginia. And, yet:

- Nearly 140,000 American deaths have been attributed to the COVID-19 Pandemic and there has been no empathy from the President towards the dead or a true plan for the Nation’s recovery. He has not even attended a briefing on the subject in weeks.

- Our city streets our exploding in violence as the rift between communities and the police has reached the breaking point.

- Unannounced and unidentified Federal Law Enforcement agents in unmarked cars, as allegedly instructed by the President, are arresting and detaining American citizens in Portland, Oregon without warning or probable cause.

- Rep. John Lewis, a truly great American and Civil Rights icon, passed away on Friday. And, still, their has been no statement of grief or solidarity from Trump’s White House.

But, the President’s golf game is NOT to be impeded!!!

Folks, I may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier but I do believe I know what makes for true Strength of Character. AND, DONALD J. TRUMP POSSESSES NONE OF THOSE ATTRIBUTES.

What a sad, petty, vindictive, pathetic glob of a man. It is SO far beyond politics and has been from the beginning of his Administration. This is not about being right — it’s about doing right. And, the right thing to do is to VOTE THIS BUM OUT by an overwhelming margin in November. By doing so, you will have demonstrated your very own Strength of Character.

That is all . . .



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