Today’s MOZEN: Lipstick on a Pig
We New Yorkers (New Yawkas in the local dialect) are often seen as arrogant by other Americans. I believe that’s because we have never had an issue with speaking our minds and telling others exactly how things are — take it or leave it. The choice is yours.
And, THIS one is telling you:
No one knows Donald J. Trump better than we who live and/or work in his hometown. He is a liar AND a thief. He was never anything more than that. And, he never will be — title or not. You can put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig (no insult to pigs). You can package Mr. Trump as King Midas in a made-for-TV unreality show and what you’re left with is still a sad, broken, lying sack of shit.
You can prove yourselves to be like-minded if you vote for him. That is your right and privilege. However, we in New York have this for you: FUCK THAT. . .
F LoBuono