Today’s MOZEN: The Hypocrite-in-Chief
It would be fair to say that, overall, I’m a friendly guy. I generally like people and I love animals. I would hope that my friends would find me kind and generous. I’m loud and I like to laugh- a lot.
Of course, my faults are as glaring as my booming voice.
Despite those faults, the most important thing to me is to always live with honesty and integrity. And, I believe that I have. Therefore, there are two traits I simply cannot abide by, in myself AND others: dishonesty and hypocrisy.
So, by the process of extrapolation, one should easily see where my utter disdain for Donald J. Trump and his entire entourage emanates from. He has none of the former and entirely too much of the latter.
His dishonesty is on display on daily basis. To put it simply, at this point, if his lips are moving he’s lying. His latest tweets saying he was “Michigan’s Man-of-the-Year” is simple fantasy if not a downright fabrication, i.e. LIE.
And, now, his hypocrisy has once again reared its ugly head.
In a televised announcement to the Country, despite medical experts’ continued advice against large gatherings, Mr. Trump declared all Houses of Worship as Essential Businesses, leaving it up to the local religious authorities to have full services or not. He also threatened to override any state governor who defied him (which he cannot legally do).
It’s painfully obvious WHY he did it — it appeals to his fanatical, Christian, Zombie-like base. I GET that. It’s the hypocrisy of the man that his minions simply can’t (or, won’t) see that galls me.
Here is a man who has broken virtually EVERY Christian commandment, including #’s 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10 (look them up), and still had the balls to stand up before the Country as a Champion for the Godly.
A more apt moniker might be Hypocrite-in-Chief.
That’s 6 our of 10 Commandments, or 60%. If he was a baseball player with and average like that he’d finally actually BE the greatest of all time — but, he ain’t a baseball player. He’s President of the United States. And, his behavior is an embarrassment to EVERY American who treasures, truth, commitment, justice, humility, empathy, and selfless leadership.
Brothers and sisters, fight back — in November send a resounding message. Choice honesty and integrity. And, we all know how.