Today’s MOZEN: The Word Is Love

Frank LoBuono
2 min readAug 7, 2020


Words and photo by F LoBuono

I’ve been thinking that if it were in me, and if I strove long enough, thought hard enough, and cared deeply enough, perhaps, I could come up with a single word or simple phrase that would have the power/influence to make people realize that in our very hearts and souls, we are all the same. We may come to different things in various ways, something we define as culture, but in the end, we all share the same emotions. In fact, we all smile the same way and we all cry the same way, too.

Certainly, I am not alone in this vision quest. Many before me, and far greater in every way, have attempted to accomplish this simple, yet herculean, task.

Then, it struck me -

We already have it.

One word.

We’ve heard it over and over again. . .

- from the gods, prophets, poets, musicians, misfits, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sinners, and saints . . .

And, that word is LOVE

It is truly THE most powerful force in the world.

A force so potent that it devours hate and conquers all. It allows one to forfeit our most precious gift, our very lives, to save that of another whom we love. It motivates our dreams and desires. It empowers us to be free, truly free — from fear and ignorance.

But, sadly, we often seem to be tone deaf to the beautiful music that is created through a lifestyle motivated by love. Instead, we allow our fears — of uncertainty, failure, and perceived differences, to seep into the foundation of our being, creating cracks and division- when all we need is to allow ourselves to be motivated by compassion and caring, i.e. love.

It really ain’t that hard, folks . . .

Wear a mask!



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