Today’s MOZEN: Ukraine — Greed Wins

Frank LoBuono
2 min readFeb 25, 2022


It breaks my heart to say this (although it shouldn’t) but, unfortunately, no matter how hard we work at it, love doesn’t make the world go ‘roundgreed does.

Well, both do.

And, it’s a constant struggle to see which one will prevail. Perhaps, it’s simply the way of not only the world, but the cosmos itself.

The latest assault on a sovereign nation, i.e. Ukraine, by another nation led by an egomaniacal despot, i.e. Russia, is another example of Greed triumphing over Love.

And, it’s NOT just Russia.

The West, including the United States, have indeed instituted harsh economic and political sanctions on Russia. And, they will hurt the Russian PEOPLE.

However, they (Europe AND the US) failed to impose the STRICTEST measures against Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin himself. They refused to freeze any of Mr. Putin’s private assets, reported to be in the many $ billions, or the so-called S.W.I.F.T Bank in Europe which will allow many European nations like Italy, Germany, and others to continue to trade with Russia.

And, of course, oil and wheat imports from Russia will not be affected.



Because they want to hurt Russia — but not TOO much — because in doing so that would hurt the ECONOMIES, i.e. THE BOTTOM LINE, of the Countries mentioned.

After all, it’s OK for Ukraine to suffer — just as long as we don’t — at least not to much.

Yes, my friends, GREED often wins. Too often.



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