WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT: A Symbol of Disgrace

Frank LoBuono
3 min readFeb 6, 2021


The Stars and Bars, i.e. The CSA Battle Flag

Whenever I hear the term, SLAVERY, I am not only angry, but incredulous as well. However, I should really juxtapose those two descriptions. You see, I am angry because I simply can’t believe that there are many today who still believe that there was an adequate rationale to explain why their ancestors fought and died to defend it. This was (and, IS on a regular basis) evidenced by the extraordinary amount of appearances by the symbol of that lost cause; The Stars and Bars, i.e. The Confederate Battle Flag.

Of course, the flag is flown highest and proudest by Southerners, but also by many others who do so in support of the same, damaged mindset. And, it was on FULL display at the latest assault on the rule of law and DECENCY, i.e. The Attack on The Capitol, January 6, 2021.

Confederate Battle Flag inside the Capitol, AP Images

All of them will rationalize their support of this banner by trying to say that it is more than just a racist symbol but of one of defiance against a repressive government, then AND now.

My response is always the same: BULLSHIT!

In addition to its racist roots (that in and of itself should be enough to disqualify it from public display), it is also an emblem of sedition and treason. It literally cost of the lives of over 600,000 Americans during the Civil War and countless others since.

And, for WHAT??

For the right to OWN another human being?


Think about that owning another human being!

Again, defenders of that symbol will argue that the great majority of Southern, i.e. Confederate, soldiers were NOT slave holders. Well, that to me is yet ANOTHER reason to reject that flag and EVERYTHING it represents. Why would anyone give their life to reward a landed aristocracy that would treat you only slightly better than the people they actually owned? And, I believe there within lies the key: as long as poor, uneducated white people had a group that was even poorer and less educated than they were (are) they were willing to fight to keep the status quo.

Unfortunately, not enough has changed in the 156 years since the end of the Civil War. Systemic racism haunts our legal, judicial, financial, and educational institutions. African-Americans still die at the hands of the police in disproportionate numbers. And, they still lag behind in virtually every other category that reflects success and wealth.

Confederate Flag Rally, N.C.


Because thousands, no hundreds of thousands of misguided fools still admire and follow a symbol that represents everything that is WRONG with this Country.

And, if you don’t see that, you are not part of the solution, you ARE the problem. It may be a part of our history but that’s no reason to resurrect it today. Put it where it belongs — in a museum — not on a flagpole.



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