WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, Doing Nothing is really an oxymoron. The two words are not congruent.
Doing is a verb, i.e. a word that denotes action. When we do, we create.
Nothing is a noun, i.e. a word that signifies a person, place, or thing — the doer or receiver of action. How can something that doesn’t exist be the recipient of action?
So, if you put the words together they really don’t make any sense. By it’s very definition, if you are doing then you are actively creating something. The ultimate outcome may be either positive or negative, but it is not nothing.
So, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, if someone asks what you might be doing for the day and you have no plans, instead of responding with nuthin’, you might more accurately answer, I will be doing something — which is working on doing nothing.
That is all. . .