When You Think About It: It Ain’t That Hard

Frank LoBuono
3 min readMay 6, 2019


F loBuono

Folks, it just ain’t that hard. You don’t have to be a political scientist, an economist, or historian to get it. No advanced degree is necessary. All you need be is a decent human being with a reasonable sense of what is right and wrong. In other words, if you have any type of moral compass you must come to the realization that our Country is being run by an administration that sorely lacks one.

Day after day, tweet after tweet, lie after lie, the President gives real meaning to the term Bully Pulpit. It’s obvious to me that this policy of trampling anyone or anything that Mr. Trump perceives as opposition, simply fits his personality. It flows right from his heart and soul. There is no pretense. It’s what comes most easily to him. In other words, it’s his nature. We all have one. And, it is often expressed in us from the very beginning, as infants. We’ve all met babies who we describe as having a wonderful disposition, easy going and affable while others are labeled difficult, taciturn, and gloomy, even before they can speak.

So, it is with this President and his Administration.

At their core is a mean spirit that is at the center of every decision they make. Think about it — from an immigration policy that is calculated to inflict maximum suffering on migrants by separating their families to rolling back environmental policies that would have insured us clean air and water for generations to come, the Trump Administration rules by its gut — one that is filled with venom and bile.

And, it’s not just Mr. Trump. He surrounds himself with others whom have hearts as black and souls as vacant as his. The architect of the Administration’s so-called Immigration Policy, Stephen Miller, a.k.a. The Man With Dead Eyes, was so loathed in his high school that he was named the least-liked boy of his graduating class. *

You can counter that the Country’s economy is booming and many of our traditional foes like Iran are on the defense. But, even these positives come with caveats. Many would claim the economic boom is a carryover from the Obama Administration and Trump’s foreign policy could lead us to another protracted foreign military engagement.

But, that is not what I am debating here.

Once again, it comes down to how we wish to define ourselves as a Nation. Do we reflect the behavior of a bully? Do we want to bluster with our chest puffed out, pointing fingers at all who disagree? Do we want to be known for gaining respect through intimidation (if that’s even respect at all)? Do we wish to be ruled by what’s in our pockets instead of our hearts and souls? Or, do we wish to be known as a Nation with a conscience, a true heart, and a deep soul — one that creates rather than destroys, welcomes instead of excludes, and bases its doctrine predicated by decency and compassion.

The choice, again, is ours . . .



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