Frank LoBuono
4 min readApr 17, 2020


Frank LoBuono

Here’s the problem — I’m preaching to the choir. Most, if not all of you read my blog because we are like-minded, especially when it comes to our complete disdain for our current President and his entire corrupt Administration. I feel safe that all of you would tend to agree (nod, nod, wink, wink) when I say that Donald J. Trump has shown himself to be more of a seedy and sleazy real estate developer than leader of this great Nation.

So, I don’t believe that my writing will necessary change one mind. It simply doesn’t work that way, especially when publishing on social media.

Is that frustrating?

Well, hell yeah!

Then, you might ask; why bother?

Because speaking up against treason is ALWAYS right!

Yes, I said treason. Because that’s what it’s becoming and it’s staring us right in the face.

On April 15th, 2020, a crowd estimated at more than 3,000 poured into Michigan’s capital to protest Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s stay at home measures to combat COVID-19 for the State. The demonstration was sponsored by various local conservative (i.e. Republican) organizations and called Operation Gridlock. Under the outrageously ironic mantle of patriotism, they claimed that, despite many of its citizens dying with the disease, the rules were an infringement on their personal liberties and against the Constitution. By car and on foot they intended too disrupt the city of Lansing as much as possible.

Conservative protest at Michigan’s Capitol against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, April 15, 2020 | Anna Liz Nichols

Many were armed while others proudly displayed both Confederate and Elect Trump 2020 flags. Some carried signs comparing the governor to the Nazis. Many sported MAGA hats and Trump campaign signs that left NO doubt who these people supported and gave them the courage to be there.

Conservative protest at Michigan’s Capitol against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, April 15, 2020 | Michigan Advance

Despite being mostly peaceful, they accomplished the goal delineated by their name, Operation Gridlock, when it was reported that they caused a serious traffic issue at the entrance to one of the local hospitals as well as other downtown problems.

But, that’s not the real controversy here.

Look, I am a staunch supporter of the 1st Amendment which gives us the right to free speech and peaceful assembly. And, it’s to be defended — even for those who’s opinions might to be repugnant to us.

However, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, there are a number of other serious consequences to consider.

First, there was the obvious issue of health and safety, not only for those directly involved but for the thousands of others they may encounter in the near future — even if they DIDN’T participate. It has been scientifically proven that the best way to slow the progress of the virus is too avoid large crowds. But, these people didn’t seem to care. Their agenda was more important. And, second, it is also a frightening look into the mind of many Americans who think guns, sedition, violence, treason, and Trump are the answers.

Conservative protest at Michigan’s Capitol against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, April 15, 2020 | Michigan Advance

These so-called patriots flying a Confederate flag, the symbol of sedition and slavery, that hundreds of thousands died to put down, next to others parading an ELECT TRUMP 2020 one tells you all you need to know about these miscreants and this President. I’m sure that some point, Mr. Trump will call them “fine people” as he did for the bigots who staged a similar rally in Charlottesville, Va.

This is more than just bad or selfish behavior. It’s far more insidious that that. So, let’s call it for what it is — treason. These people wave the ‘ol Red, White, and Blue when it suits them, chanting USA! USA! USA! at a Trump rally while in their hearts lie their true allegiance — to the Stars and Bars, i.e. sedition and bigotry. The very irony of it drives me crazy! In fact, it pisses me off. These people are the ultimate cowards, only finding strength in those as misguided as they. The sad thing is this is NOT new. It has been simmering just below the surface since this Country’s very inception. Their shameless bigotry, wrapped in a false flag, just need the spark to light their flame of intolerance. Well, they final found one in Donald J. Trump.

So, perhaps, once again, I’ve changed no one’s mind. Doesn’t matter. Needed to be said. And, I won’t stop saying it until he and his ilk are gone.



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