Frank LoBuono
1 min readFeb 7, 2021


As is my modus operandi, when confronted by complex scenarios and topics, I like to reduce them to their most simple terms. So, here’s the latest:

All you need to know about the current state of the Republican party is that they have chosen to censure Congresswoman Liz Chaney, a woman who had the guts to do the right thing, heed the evidence, despite knowing it would be unpopular with the party, and voted to have Donald J. Trump impeached while at the same time have rallied behind Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, a gun-toting, QAnon believing, Trump supporting sycophant who has theorized that California wildfires are caused by space lasers operated by a cabal of Jewish businessmen.


So, just to be sure, the GOP admonished a woman of character and lauded a fucking mental defective. Well, my friends, if you continue to support them, you will get what you pay for — just like the last time and the time before that. The Republicans have sucked their heads up their asses yet again. And, if you don’t see that, can I sell you a bridge? A great bridge. The greatest bridge of all time. Cheap.

That is all. . .



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